
Boxing (from the English. Box, boxing, literally - to punch, box) - contact sport, martial art, in which athletes deal with each other in a special punching gloves. The referee controls the fight, which lasts from 3 to 12 rounds. The victory is assigned if the opponent is knocked down and can not get up for ten seconds (KO) or if he is injured, does not allow to continue the fight (TKO). If after a set number of rounds the fight was not stopped, the winner is determined by the evaluations of judges.

The earliest evidence of such events were sealed for another Sumerian, Egyptian and Minoan reliefs. Tournaments fist fights, reminiscent of boxing took place in ancient Greece. The real boxing combat sports began in 688 BC. Oe. when fistfights were first included in the ancient Olympic Games. Modern boxing originated in England in the early XVIII century .Some countries have their own versions of boxing (savate in France, lethvey in Myanmar, Muay Thai in Thailand), so often referred to as "English Boxing".

The first image was made in the fight Sumerian cave in the third millennium BC. Oe., and ancient Egyptian relief of the second millennium BC. Oe. depicts not only the boxers but also the audience. Both men fight with their bare hands.  In 1927 American archaeologist Spencer discovered in Baghdad patterned stone slabs on which the two men prepare to fight. It is believed that the age of discovery - 7000 years.  fisticuffs as described in ancient Indian texts: the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata. Evidence of the existence of boxing were found during excavations in the cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa.  The first findings confirm boksirovanie gloves were made in 1500-900 years BC in Crete and in the mountains of Sardinia (2000-1000 to our AD).

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